Academic program - Post graduate training
Date 29/05/2019 HCM Ier
Post-graduate training for masters and doctors is one of the main tasks of the Institute for Environment and Resources
Post-graduate training for masters and doctors is one of the main tasks of the Institute for Environment and Resources.
These are 2 master programs and 4 doctoral programs.
Masters programs:
˗ Environmental Engineering;
˗ Natural Resources and Environmental Management
Doctoral programs:
˗ Environmental Engineering;
˗ Natural Resources and Environmental Management;
˗ Soil and Water Environment;
˗ Environmental Toxicology.
Figure 1: The graduation ceremony for Doctor and Master’s degree on November 20th, 2016
Figure 2: The doctoral dissertation report of MSc. Nguyen Hai Au in January, 2017
Until 2017, there were 800 Masters and 35 Doctors who were studied and researched under VNUHCMC-IER’s training courses. Most of them are working at Environmental management Boards in Vietnam.
IER often organizes short-courses on Environmental Engineering and Management for different organizations. The content of these courses depends on organization's demands, including: Computer application in Environmental Engineering; Analysis on water quality, air quality...; rural water supply; Domestic and industrial wastewater treatment; Environmental management; Operation of water supply plant, etc...
Firgure 3. Master and doctoral students from 1996-2017
Firgure 4. Master and doctors graduated from 2001-2017