ASEA uninet 2018
Date 29/05/2019 HCM Ier
In framework of the the common collaboration through ASEA UNINET (, in 2018. IER nominated the team to work in Austria from 17-27 September 2018.
In framework of the the common collaboration through ASEA UNINET (, in 2018. IER nominated the team to work in Austria from 17-27 September 2018.
IER’s team:
1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ho Quoc Bang - Head of Department of Air pollution and Climate change, Group leader
2. Dr. Nguyen Hai Au - Head of Department of Remote Sensing and GIS
3. Msc. Tran Thi Hieu - Department of Environmental Management
Results of working groups with Austria organizations:
2.1 Meeting about “Smart City Research”
Venue: StadtLABOR office
Prof. Dr. Hans inroduced the Smart city research topic and projects of his team about this research field. IER team and Ms. Sibylle discussed about smart measures for smart city, potential application for cities in Vietnam. As planned in 2020, there are 3 biggest cities in Vietnam will become the smart city (Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh and Da Nang city).
2.2 Meeting about “air, energy, waste management, Ecoprofit”
Venue: Graz City Office
Dr. Werner Prutsch presented the role of department of air, energy, waste management in Graz City, and Presented the measures/projects for air quality management, waste water, solid waste, energy, ecoprofit in Graz City.
IER team discussed and learn many measures from City Graz which can be applied in Ho Chi Minh city, and also do more research in Ho Chi Minh city, such as: because in Graz has some problems with PM10 pollution, therefore the regulation is that heating system releases only 4g dust/m2 of Gross floor area (GFA)…
Presented many project related to green building, renewable energy (solar, hydrology…)

2.3 Meeting about “Remote Sensing and GIS”
Venue: Joanneum Research Office
Dr. Manuela Hirschmugl presented the research activities in Joanneum Research Institute: many projects related to remote sensing and GIS. Some of their technique can be applied to solve problems in Ho Chi Minh and Mekong Delta such as: land subsidence, mining activities, etc.
One of technique are very usefull to apply in Southern of Vietnam is “Portable Remote Sensing with ADAM. This can be used to monitor mining activity.
Dr. Au of IER team will dicuss with local city/province in Southern Vietnam, and contact with Dr. Manuela Hirschmugl to develop the proposal for ADAM technique.

2.4 Meeting about “Air quality monitoring and Management”
Venue: StadtLABOR office and Air quality monitoring station in Graz City
Dr. Thomas Pongratz presented the air quality monitoring network in Styria province including Graz city and results of the air quality in the province.
The results of some pollutants is higher than limits such as PM10, NO2…due to heating and traffic hot spot in Graz city.
Then, Dr. Andreas Schopper presented the air quality management plan for the city of Graz and Styria province. There are many measures can be applied also in Ho Chi Minh city because IER team is now developing the air quality management plan for HCMC. Such as public transportation subsidice/incentives…And measure for traffic
Then, we discussed about air quality monitoring network with low cost. This can be developed for HCMC because HCMC doesn’t have any air quality monitoring station now. We visit and lean how to install air quality monitoring network in Graz city. Potential to develop low cost air quality monitoring sensor/devices.
2.5 Meeting with Stadt LABOR
Venue: StadtLABOR office
Ms. Barbara Hammerl introduced the activities of Stadt LABOR and many projects related to smart city topics which can be applied in developing cities as HCMC. Social projects, stakeholders participating in the project…improve life quality.
2.6 Meeting about “Climate change”
Dr. Katrin Brugger (Climate Change Center Austria)
Prof. Dr. Kirchengast (Wegener Center Graz)
Venue: StadtLABOR office
Discussion potential collaboration between IER and Wegener Center Graz to develop climate change senarios for Ho Chi Minh city with high resolution.